Powell River Health-Care Auxiliary
Powell River Health-Care Auxiliary


Economy Shop


Gift Shop
ext.- 4347

Red Cross H.E.L.P. (Hospital Equipment Loan Program) Office


ext.- 4361
Fax # - 604-485-3284

Please see 'Our Services'






Assistant Treasurer



Corresponding Secretary



Candy Striper Convener





Red Cross Help Equipment Loan program


Phone:  604-485-3211 Ext. 4361

Fax # 604-485-3284


5000 Joyce Avenue

Powell River, B.C.

V8A 5R3


Hours of operation 

Monday Friday

10:00am 2:00pm

One of the areas our PRHCA volunteers aversee is the Red Cross Help Equipment Loan Program.


This wonderful service is located on the first floor of the hospital and is open Monday to Friday 10 am to 2 pm., holidays excluded.


With a referral from a doctor or therapist, equipment is loaned out to assist people during their convalescence from surgery or an injury.


The loan is for a 3 month period only.  Upon request, a one month extension is allowed.


Palliative clients are given a 6 month loan.


Residents needing equipment for day-to-day living (no surgery or injury) would have to purchase the equipment from a reputable retailer.


Monetary donations as well as used equipment are always accepted.


The Loan Program has 2 two hour shifts per day and any volunteers wanting to help out either by committing to a specific day/shift or as a spare are very welcome.  We are short on volunteers (leaving the office closed at times) and encourage others to join this worthy service helping Powell River residents.


You may call the office number any time and leave a message.  604-485-3211  -  ext. 4361

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